Extended ebook content for What Color Is Your Parachute? 2016 Edition


A Checklist of My Strongest Traits

A List of 246 Skills as Verbs

Distasteful Working Conditions Chart

Favorite People Chart

Favorite Transferable Skills

My Geographical Preferences Chart

My Search for a Good Career Counselor

Notes About My Favorite Knowledges

Optional Exercise

Practice Interviewing Grid

Preliminary Outline of The Flower

Prioritizing Grid for 10 Items or Less

Prioritizing Grid for 24 Items

Sample Flower

Sample Winning Resume

Systematic Breakdown and Building Up to Define a Career that Fits You

Ten Commandments for Job Interviews

The Flower

The Parachute Skills Grid

The Party Exercise

The Ten Greatest Mistakes Made in Job Interviews

The Way a Typical Employer Prefers to Fill a Vacancy

Total Amount You Need Each Month

Transferable Skills Diagram

Update 2017

What You Can Do

When to Negotiate Salary

Excerpted from