Extended ebook content for The Worry Cure

1. Penn State Worry Questionnaire

2. Worry Domains Questionnaire

3. Metacognitions Questionnaire 30

4. Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS)

5. Personality Beliefs Questionnaire—Short Form

6. Your Worry Profile

7. Your Personal Choice

8. Discomfort History

9. Discomfort Diary

10. Worry Record: Keeping Track of Your Worries

11. Dysfunctional Behaviors After Worrying

12. Testing Your Predictions

13. Ten Ways to Defeat Your Worry

14. Examine the Costs and Benefits of These Beliefs

15. Are You Viewing Yourself in All-or-Nothing Terms?

16. What Is the Evidence Against Your Belief?

17. Would You Be as Critical of Other People?

18. Challenging Your Personal Beliefs

19. Emotion Diary

20. Techniques

21. Identify Your Money Worries

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